All "Spiel des Jahres🇩🇪 2013" game award winners & nominees in comparison 2025
- Qwixx
- Escape: The Curse of the Temple
- Hanabi
- Riff Raff
- La Boca
- The Enchanted Tower
- Rise of Augustus
- Libertalia
- Bruges
- Rondo
- Bugs in the Kitchen
- Linus, der kleine Magier
- Gold am Orinoko
- Yay!
- Mixtour
- Divinare
- Baobab
- Catan Junior Madagascar
- Hand aufs Herz
- Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar
- Star Wars: Battle of Hoth
- Terra Mystica
- The Palaces of Carrara
- Legends of Andor
- Connect the Thoughts
- Bim Bamm!
- Mucca Pazza
- Pingi Pongo