Lists in this category

All "Spiel des Jahres🇩🇪 1987" game award winners & nominees in comparison

All details for the board game Shark and similar gamesAll details for the board game Auf Achse and similar gamesAll details for the board game Sauerbaum and similar gamesAll details for the board game Flying Carpet and similar gamesAll details for the board game Orient Express and similar games

The best games presented at the Spiel 1987 game fair in Essen, Germany

All details for the board game Bandu and similar gamesAll details for the board game Ben Hur and similar gamesAll details for the board game Zug nach Westen and similar gamesAll details for the board game Aladdins Erbe and similar games

The best games released in 1987📆

All details for the board game Bandu and similar gamesAll details for the board game Personal Preference and similar gamesAll details for the board game Monster Mash and similar gamesAll details for the board game Screaming Eagles and similar gamesAll details for the board game Chaos Marauders and similar games