Junta is a satirical board game that immerses players in the tumultuous political landscape of the fictional "Republica de los Bananas." Players represent different families vying for power, influence, and wealth in a republic rife with corruption, coups, and assassinations.
Gameplay Overview
- Roles and Elections: One player is elected as El Presidente, who then assigns roles to other players.
- Budget and Voting: The President draws foreign aid money, proposes a budget, and players vote on it. The budget allocation can be contentious and is central to the game's strategy.
- Assassinations: Players can attempt to assassinate each other by predicting their opponents' locations.
- Coups: Players can initiate coups to gain control of the government, leading to a battle over the republic's power centers.
Game Mechanics
- Multiple Rounds: Each game turn includes several phases, like drawing cards, budget proposals, voting, and potential coups.
- Money and Banking: Players acquire money, but only funds in Swiss bank accounts are safe from assassination and coups.
- Power Struggle: Control over the republic's five power centers is crucial during coups.
Player Dynamics
- Variable Player Count: Suitable for 4 to 7 players, with variants available for 2 and 3 players.
- Family Dynamics: Assassinated or killed players return as another member of their family, retaining their Swiss bank funds.
- Winning Condition: The player with the most money in their Swiss bank account when the money runs out wins the game.
Junta offers a complex and engaging experience for players who enjoy games with political intrigue, strategy, and dark humor. The game captures the essence of power struggles in a corrupt republic, where alliances shift, backstabbing is common, and only the shrewdest player can emerge victorious. With its unique combination of strategy, role-playing, and negotiation, Junta provides a compelling and entertaining gameplay experience.
- 2 - 7 Players
- 240 Minutes
- 16+ years old
- Medium difficulty
We like Junta so much that we recommend it in the following board game recommendation lists 2025
- Position 35 in The best board games to end a relationship'
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