The best board games from the 19th century🏛 2024

  1. Crokinole
  2. Perudo
  3. Sjoelen
  4. Euchre
  5. American Carrom
  6. Briscola Chiamata
  7. Hearts
  8. Skittles
  9. Mahjong
  10. Loteria
  11. Poker
  12. Rummy
  13. Pinochle
  14. Doppelkopf
  15. Othello
  16. Asalto
  17. Bagatelle
  18. Jack Straws
  19. Skat
  20. Flying Hats
  21. Bezique
  22. The Game of Authors
  23. Halma
  24. Klaverjassen
  25. Gone Fishin'
  26. Preference
  27. Chinese Checkers
  28. Pick Up Sticks
  29. Tiddledy Winks
  30. 4 Player Chess