The best board games of the 90s 2025

  1. PitchCar
  2. For Sale
  3. Time's Up!
  4. Lost Cities
  5. Take 5
  6. High Society
  7. Schotten Totten
  8. Loopin' Louie
  9. Ra
  10. Bohnanza
  11. Unanimo
  12. Modern Art
  13. Tichu
  14. Chinatown
  15. Zopp
  16. Wildlife Safari
  17. Guillotine
  18. Jungle Speed
  19. Circus Flohcati
  20. Chicken Cha Cha Cha
  21. The Great Dalmuti
  22. Samurai
  23. Turn the Tide
  24. El Grande
  25. Rummikub Six Player
  26. Through the Desert
  27. Cloud 9
  28. Excape
  29. Tornado Rex
  30. Kaleidos