The best board games you can play in 45 minutes⏰ 2025

  1. Crokinole
  2. So Clover!
  3. Love Letter
  4. The Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-earth
  5. Telestrations
  7. Cascadia
  8. The Crew: Mission Deep Sea
  9. Dixit: Odyssey
  10. Azul
  11. Sushi Go Party!
  12. 7 Wonders Duel
  13. Jaipur
  14. Wavelength
  15. Love Letter
  16. Top Ten
  17. PitchCar
  18. The Quacks of Quedlinburg
  19. For Sale
  20. Harmonies
  21. Dixit
  22. Junk Art
  23. The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
  24. Sea Salt & Paper
  25. Tumblin' Dice
  26. Splendor Duel
  27. No Thanks!
  28. Love Letter: Premium Edition
  29. Unmatched: Cobble & Fog
  30. Las Vegas