The best "Cardboard Republic Laurel Awards🇺🇸" winners and nominees 2025
- Just One
- So Clover!
- Codenames
- Cascadia
- Azul
- Wavelength
- Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
- Decrypto
- The Quacks of Quedlinburg
- The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
- Point Salad
- Trails of Tucana
- Cartographers
- Flamme Rouge
- Cthulhu: Death May Die
- Wingspan
- Welcome To...
- Onitama
- Dune: Imperium
- Sagrada
- Destinies
- Horrified
- My City
- The Search for Planet X
- Forgotten Waters
- The Mind
- Undaunted: Normandy
- Watergate