The best children games for 3 years and older 2025
- Animal Upon Animal
- Loopin' Louie
- Time's Up! Kids
- Concept Kids: Animals
- Viva Topo!
- My First Carcassonne
- Animal Upon Animal: Crest Climbers
- Chicken Cha Cha Cha
- Zoo Run
- Loopin' Chewie
- Spooky Stairs
- Da ist der Wurm drin
- Hedgehog Roll
- The Ladybug's Costume Party
- Hide the Kids!
- Monster Chase
- Orchard
- Hoot Owl Hoot!
- My First Castle Panic
- The Color Monster
- Spot it! 1,2,3
- Bee Alert
- The Little Orchard
- Koboldbande
- Foto Fish
- Unicorn Glitterluck: Cloud Stacking
- Sleepy Castle
- Monsieur Carrousel
- Karuba Junior
- Kayanak