The best games from Klaus-Jürgen Wrede 🇩🇪👨 2025

  1. Carcassonne: 20th Anniversary Edition
  2. Carcassonne
  3. The Downfall of Pompeii
  4. Calavera
  5. Mists over Carcassonne
  6. Bloxx!
  7. Roll 'em Fold 'em
  8. Echt Spitze
  9. Mistkäfer
  10. Carcassonne: Wheel of Fortune
  11. Beam me up
  12. Cardcassonne
  13. Rapa Nui
  14. Die Fugger
  15. The Architects of the Colosseum
  16. Raccoon Robbers
  17. Venedig
  18. Mesopotamia: Cradle of Civilization
  19. Carcassonne: The Dice Game
  20. Fire & Stone
  21. Dragonriders
  22. Albion
  23. Krone & Schwert
  24. Anasazi: Lost Pueblos of the Ancients
  25. One to 9