The best games presented at the Spiel 1999 game fair in Essen, Germany 2025
- Bohnanza
- Anno Domini: Seefahrer & Flieger
- Mamma Mia!
- Frank's Zoo
- Arbos
- Elk Fest
- Kayanak
- TurfMaster
- RoboRally
- The Rose King
- Anno Domini: Frauen
- Tikal
- Nicht die Bohne!
- Kippit
- Union Pacific
- Kahuna
- Bus
- Space Beans
- Matschig
- Bargain Hunter
- Taj Mahal
- Die Mauer
- Nichts als Ärger!
- Lifetime
- Aladdin's Dragons
- Schrille Stille
- Torres
- Maskenball Venezia
- Vinci
- Tales of the Arabian Nights