The best games presented at the Spiel 2000 game fair in Essen, Germany 2025
- Carcassonne
- Hamster Roll
- Monza
- Blokus
- Cartagena
- Orchard
- Nightmare Productions
- Trendy
- Ivanhoe
- Anno Domini: Sport
- Zitternix
- River Dragons
- RoboRally: Crash and Burn
- Klondike
- Animal Poker
- Bus
- Tally Ho!
- Zapp Zerapp
- Lord of the Fries
- Meuterer
- Kill Doctor Lucky
- Bongo!
- Im Märchenwald
- Turbo Taxi
- High Bohn
- The Lord of the Rings
- Ebbe & Flut
- MotorChamp
- Babel
- Knights