The best games presented at the Spiel 2014 game fair in Essen, Germany 2025

  1. Patchwork
  2. Dixit: Daydreams
  3. Sushi Go!
  4. Star Realms
  5. Onitama
  6. One Night Ultimate Werewolf: Daybreak
  7. One Night Ultimate Werewolf
  8. Carcassonne
  9. Pandemic: On the Brink
  10. Loony Quest
  11. Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition
  12. Tales & Games: The Hare & the Tortoise
  13. Spyfall
  14. Witness
  15. Hanabi
  16. Mascarade: Expansion
  17. Tichu
  18. Orléans
  19. Colt Express
  20. Coconuts Duo
  21. Snake Oil
  22. Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala
  23. Pandemic: The Cure
  24. Beasty Bar
  25. Qwixx Mixx
  26. Diamonds
  27. Red7
  28. Arcadia Quest
  29. Abyss
  30. Inis
  31. Machi Koro
  32. Castles of Mad King Ludwig
  33. Rory's Story Cubes: Intergalactic
  34. King of New York
  35. Terra
  36. Medieval Academy
  37. Black Fleet
  38. The Resistance: Hidden Agenda & Hostile Intent
  39. Speed Cups²
  40. Alien Frontiers
  41. Small World: A Spider's Web
  42. Small World: Royal Bonus
  43. Pick-a-Seal
  44. Bee Alert
  45. Manila
  46. Kobayakawa
  47. Six Making
  48. Kamisado Max
  49. Smash Up: Monster Smash
  50. Nations: The Dice Game
  51. Carcassonne: Gold Rush
  52. Anno Domini: Wissenschaft & Forschung
  53. Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice
  54. Coup: Rebellion G54
  55. Dungeon Fighter: Stormy Winds
  56. Col-Or-Form
  57. Voodoo
  58. Nosferatu
  59. Lost Legacy
  60. Hamsterbacke
  61. Among the Stars
  62. Mahé
  63. Quartermaster General
  64. Flash Point: Fire Rescue – Honor & Duty
  65. Valley of the Kings
  66. BANG! The Valley of Shadows
  67. Royals
  68. GembloQ
  69. Conan
  70. Imperial Settlers
  71. Irish Gauge
  72. Cthulhu Wars
  73. Sun Tzu
  74. Power Grid Deluxe: Europe/North America
  75. Chopstick Dexterity MegaChallenge 3000
  76. Evolution
  77. Coal Baron
  78. Saint Petersburg (Second Edition)
  79. Yay!
  80. Dark Tales
  81. Abracada...What?
  82. Room 25: Season 2
  83. Quint-X
  84. Cyclades: Titans
  85. Concordia: Britannia / Germania
  86. Lift it!
  87. Eat Me If You Can!
  88. Escape: Zombie City
  89. Co-Mix
  90. Spellcaster
  91. Bucket King 3D
  92. Fleet: Arctic Bounty
  93. La Cosa Nostra
  94. Village: Port
  95. Stay Away!
  96. Doodle City
  97. La Isla
  98. Pirate Fluxx
  99. Look!
  100. Space Cadets: Dice Duel – Die Fighter