The best games presented at the Spiel 2017 game fair in Essen, Germany 2025

  1. Azul
  2. Sushi Go Party!
  3. Kingdomino
  4. Codenames: Duet
  5. Decrypto
  6. Dixit: Harmonies
  7. No Thanks!
  8. Flamme Rouge: Peloton
  9. Carcassonne Big Box 6
  10. Hanamikoji
  11. Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure
  12. Lovecraft Letter
  13. When I Dream
  14. Meeple Circus
  15. Ethnos
  16. King of the Dice
  17. Valeria: Card Kingdoms
  18. Memoarrr!
  19. The Game: Face to Face
  20. Dice Forge
  21. Istanbul: The Dice Game
  22. Bunny Kingdom
  23. Claim
  24. Gloomhaven
  25. Queendomino
  26. Ticket to Ride Map Collection 6: France & Old West
  27. Majesty: For the Realm
  28. The Lost Expedition
  29. Dragon Castle
  30. Splendor: Cities of Splendor
  31. Pandemic Legacy: Season 2
  32. Exit: The Game – The Sunken Treasure
  33. Okiya
  34. Rajas of the Ganges
  35. Hellapagos
  36. Voodoo Prince
  37. 7 Wonders: Leaders Anniversary Pack
  38. Pairs
  39. 7 Wonders: Cities Anniversary Pack
  40. Kodama: The Tree Spirits
  41. The Godfather: Corleone's Empire
  42. Exit: The Game – The House of Riddles
  43. Nations: The Dice Game
  44. Schummel Hummel
  45. Nusfjord
  46. The Castles of Burgundy: The Dice Game
  47. Loot N Run
  48. Karuba Junior
  49. Pandemic: Rising Tide
  50. King of Tokyo/New York: Monster Pack – King Kong
  51. Photosynthesis
  52. London (Second Edition)
  53. Zooloretto Würfelspiel Trio
  54. Exit: The Game – Dead Man on the Orient Express
  55. Concordia: Aegyptus / Creta
  56. My First Stone Age: The Card Game
  57. 13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
  58. Lorenzo il Magnifico
  59. Captain Sonar: Upgrade One
  60. Clans of Caledonia
  61. Deckscape: Test Time
  62. Vikings Gone Wild: Ragnarok!
  63. Unearth
  64. The Bloody Inn: The Carnies
  65. Nations: The Dice Game – Unrest
  66. StoryLine: Fairy Tales
  67. Fast Forward: FEAR
  68. Arkham Horror: The Card Game – The Path to Carcosa: Expansion
  69. Imhotep: A New Dynasty
  70. Manhattan
  71. Magic Maze: Maximum Security
  72. Yokohama
  73. Fabled Fruit: The Lime Expansion
  74. Knister
  75. Karuba: The Card Game
  76. Yogi
  77. Secrets
  78. T.I.M.E Stories: Estrella Drive
  79. L'Arbre
  80. Vikings Gone Wild
  81. Fast Forward: FORTRESS
  82. Hostage Negotiator
  83. Schollen Rollen
  84. Carcassonne für 2
  85. Five Tribes: Whims of the Sultan
  86. After the Virus
  87. Axio
  88. Tales & Games: Aladdin & the Magic Lamp
  89. BAM! Ihr habt es so gewollt!
  90. Fieber
  91. This War of Mine: The Board Game
  92. Quadropolis: Public Services
  93. Iquazú
  94. Ex Libris
  95. Smash Up: Sheep
  96. Caverna: Cave vs Cave
  97. Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia
  98. Mini Rails
  99. Boom, Bang, Gold
  100. Schüttel's