The best games where you can fulfill special tasks/contracts 2024
- Splendor Duel
- Silver & Gold
- Century: Golem Edition
- Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of the West
- Welcome To...
- Ticket to Ride: Europe
- Splendor
- Ticket to Ride
- Sagrada
- Faraway
- Splendor: Marvel
- Century: Spice Road
- Canvas
- Port Royal
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Terraforming Mars
- Everdell
- Lost Ruins of Arnak
- Spots
- Noctiluca
- Viticulture Essential Edition
- Gizmos
- Raiders of the North Sea
- Nova Luna
- King of the Dice
- Orléans
- Istanbul: Big Box
- Takenoko
- Flamecraft