The best games where you can stack objects on top of each other 📚 2025
- Junk Art
- Rhino Hero: Super Battle
- Men at Work
- Rhino Hero
- Nekojima
- Menara
- Animal Upon Animal
- Meeple Circus
- Hamster Roll
- Catch the Moon
- Riff Raff
- Bandu
- Animal Upon Animal: Christmas Edition
- Go Cuckoo!
- Terror in Meeple City
- Animal Upon Animal: Balancing Bridge
- Tuki
- Ninja Academy
- Animal Upon Animal: Crest Climbers
- Tokyo Highway
- Beasts of Balance
- Villa Paletti
- Jenga Maker
- My Very First Games: Animal upon Animal
- Tokyo Highway
- Suspend
- Strong Stuff!
- Palazzo Paletti
- Tier auf Tier: Das Duell
- Unicorn Glitterluck: Cloud Stacking