The best games where you damage your opponent but don't take them totally out of the game 2025
- The Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-earth
- Love Letter
- Love Letter
- Star Realms: Frontiers
- Star Realms: Colony Wars
- Star Realms
- Coconuts
- Dune: Imperium
- Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors
- Hero Realms
- Coloretto
- King of Tokyo: Monster Box
- Survive: Escape from Atlantis!
- Mindbug: First Contact
- Lovecraft Letter
- Animal Upon Animal
- Exploding Kittens: Party Pack
- Coup
- Watergate
- Radlands
- Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Terraforming Mars
- Botanik
- Dominion
- Linko
- Virus!
- Jamaica