The best games with birds 2025
- Wingspan
- Animal Upon Animal
- Wingspan Asia
- Forest Shuffle
- Everdell
- CuBirds
- Animal Upon Animal: Balancing Bridge
- Seikatsu
- Ecosystem
- Beasts of Balance
- My Little Scythe
- New York Zoo
- What the Heck?
- Dodo
- Papageno
- Sausage Sizzle!
- Hoot Owl Hoot!
- Songbirds
- Piepmatz
- Little Bird, Big Hunger
- Root
- Fancy Feathers
- Murder of Crows
- Beep! Beep!
- Cape May
- Guess in 10: Animal Planet
- Dragon Rage
- Kings & Things
- Flock
- Simon's Cat: Dinner Date