The best games with statically determined starting player 2024

  1. Patchwork
  2. Kingdomino
  3. The Castles of Burgundy
  4. Dragomino
  5. The Castles of Burgundy
  6. The Isle of Cats
  7. Brass: Birmingham
  8. Formula D
  9. Power Grid
  10. Nations: The Dice Game
  11. Smartphone Inc.
  12. Underwater Cities
  13. Brass: Lancashire
  14. Fresco
  15. Power Grid Deluxe: Europe/North America
  16. Ricochet Robots
  17. Botanicus
  18. Ride the Rails
  19. IKI
  20. The Pursuit of Happiness
  21. Exceed Fighting System
  22. The Hunger
  23. The Networks
  24. Coimbra
  25. Mariposas
  26. Evo
  27. Greed
  28. Barrage
  29. In the Year of the Dragon: 10th Anniversary
  30. In the Year of the Dragon