The best "Jogoeu User's Game (J.U.G.)🇵🇹" winners and nominees 2025
- Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
- Heat: Pedal to the Metal
- Wingspan
- Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure
- Planet Unknown
- Terraforming Mars
- It's a Wonderful World
- Dominion
- Lost Ruins of Arnak
- Concordia
- Orléans
- Colt Express
- Ark Nova
- Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala
- Hadara
- Istanbul
- Scythe
- The Taverns of Tiefenthal
- Carpe Diem
- Grand Austria Hotel
- Black Fleet
- T.I.M.E Stories
- Suburbia
- Great Western Trail
- The Voyages of Marco Polo
- Revive
- Bruges
- Underwater Cities
- Android: Netrunner
- Imperial Settlers