The best "Swiss Gamers Award🇨🇭" winners and nominees 2025
- Just One
- Codenames
- MicroMacro: Crime City
- Cascadia
- 7 Wonders Duel
- Decrypto
- Wingspan
- 7 Wonders: Architects
- Dragomino
- 7 Wonders
- Nidavellir
- Unlock! Kids: Detective Stories
- Chronicles of Crime
- Quacks & Co.: Quedlinburg Dash
- Terraforming Mars
- Everdell
- It's a Wonderful World
- Lost Ruins of Arnak
- The Adventures of Robin Hood
- My Gold Mine
- Raiders of the North Sea
- Dice Forge
- Magic Mountain
- Ark Nova
- Architects of the West Kingdom
- Unlock!: Escape Adventures
- Istanbul
- Detective Charlie
- The 7th Continent
- Scythe