Shadow Hunters*
Shadow Hunters is an intriguing survival board game set in a mysterious forest filled with devils and supernatural beings. Players find themselves as members of one of three factions: Shadows, supernatural creatures of the night; Hunters, humans intent on destroying these beings; and Neutrals, civilians inadvertently caught in this age-old conflict. The game revolves around identity concealment, strategic alliances, and survival.
Gameplay Overview
- Hidden Identities: Players keep their character affiliations secret, trying to discern allies and enemies.
- Faction Objectives: Shadows and Hunters aim to eliminate each other, while Neutrals have individual goals.
- Special Abilities and Equipment: Characters have unique abilities and can use various equipment cards for advantage.
Special Features
- Character Variety: Includes a wide array of characters, each with special abilities.
- Tactical Deception: Players must strategically reveal or conceal their identities.
- Included Expansion: The 2011 Z-Man Games edition includes an expansion with ten new characters.
Shadow Hunters offers a captivating blend of strategy, mystery, and team play, ideal for players who enjoy games with hidden roles and deduction. Its theme of supernatural conflict combined with the intrigue of hidden identities and strategic gameplay makes it an exciting choice for game nights and gatherings.
Nominated for 2 awards.
- 4 - 8 Players
- 60 Minutes
- 10+ years old
- Easy to learn
We like Shadow Hunters so much that we recommend it in the following board game recommendation lists 2025
- Position 7 in All "As d'Or - Jeu de l'Année"🇫🇷 2010 winners & nominees compared.
- Position 22 in The best board games for exactly 5 players
- Position 28 in The best games presented at the Spiel 2010 game fair in Essen, Germany
- Position 13 in The best Werewolf/Mafia games and variants 🐺