Unfathomable is a suspenseful and thematic board game that immerses players in a mysterious and treacherous journey aboard the steamship SS Atlantica in 1913. This game blends elements of horror, strategy, and deduction, as players navigate both external threats and the hidden treachery among them.
Gameplay Overview
- Roles and Goals: Players take on the roles of humans or human-Deep One hybrids with differing objectives - humans aim to safely navigate the ship to Boston, while hybrids work covertly to sabotage the voyage.
- Resource Management: Crucial for the ship’s survival, players manage four essential resources, with traitors subtly attempting to deplete them.
- Crisis Resolution: Players face regular crises that require group decision-making or skill tests, adding tension and collaborative challenges.
Special Features
- Hidden Traitors Mechanic: Adds a layer of suspicion and bluffing, as players try to identify who among them are secret traitors.
- Mythos Cards: Each turn, these cards introduce new crises, ranging from moral dilemmas to skill tests, that impact the game's course.
- Skill Tests: A critical gameplay element where players contribute skill cards to influence the outcome, providing opportunities for traitors to sabotage discreetly.
Unfathomable offers a thrilling and immersive experience, perfect for fans of games with hidden roles, team strategy, and a rich narrative backdrop. The constant threat from the Deep Ones, coupled with the paranoia of hidden enemies on board, ensures a tense and engaging gameplay experience. Whether as a loyal human or a cunning traitor, players will find themselves deeply engaged in the fate of the SS Atlantica and its passengers.
Nominated for 6 awards and won 2.
- 3 - 6 Players
- 120 - 240 Minutes
- 14+ years old
- Medium difficulty
We like Unfathomable so much that we recommend it in the following board game recommendation lists 2025
- Position 14 in The best games from Corey Konieczka 🇺🇸👨
- Position 28 in The best games set in the H.P. Lovecraft universe "Cthulhu